Försäkran vid rekryterings- och konsultuppdrag för kunds räkning

Ändamålet med försäkran är att bolaget ska kunna administrera kandidat- och eventuellt anställningsförhållande om avtal ingås.

1. The information I have presented during interviews are correct.

2. My references have the title/position that I have stated, alternativly that I will state in the future.

3. I agree that the company will ask questions and summarise information from the reference person with regard to my earlier stated employment.

4. I testify that the information presented in my CV is correct.

5. I confirm that my acadamic grades and certificates conform to the original documents.

6. Do you agree to that the company can carry out a background check on you, if you are the final candidate in a process?

*A background check contains, but is not limited to, personal information, economic situation, judicial matters, CV-verification and review of your digital profile

7. Have you ever been dismissed form a previous employment?

8. Do you require a working permit/VISA to work in Sweden? If yes, when does it expire. (You have to present your passport and the company will take a photocopy)

9. Do you agree to that the company saves your personal data in the candidate database? Information about how we handle personal data can be found in our data policy.
