Tobii Dynavox empower people with disabilities to do what they once did or never thought possible. They call this mission Power to Be You. The assistive communication technology helps our customers express themselves, connect with the world, and pursue independence, whether through everyday activities like ordering food or extraordinary feats like running a company. Working at Tobii Dynavox, you’ll become part of a team that spans the globe, with offices in the US, Sweden, the UK, China, and beyond.

We have now got the opportunity to recruit Tobii Dynavox next Business Controller.

As Business Controller, you will be part of a Business Controller team focusing on supply chain, where you will manage the financial performance and optimizing the efficiency of Tobii Dynavox Supply Chain operations. By analyzing financial performance, you will provide actionable insights and ensure accurate financial reporting.  

While you provide support to Rehadapt on forecasting, budgeting, and reporting, you will have a chance to collaborate closely with Operation managers, Supply Chain specialists, Sourcing specialists, and finance teams to provide strategic insights and financial analysis for informed decision-making. Your expertise will play a pivotal role in optimizing our Supply Chain operations, driving improvements in supply chain efficiency and overall performance.   

At Tobii Dynavox, they enjoy flexible work hours and a range of benefits to support personal well-being and family commitments. They have a hybrid model, including 2-3 days at our office in Stockholm city.


  • Supporting management in identifying production bottlenecks, defining KPIs, implementing KPIs and financial impacts. 
  • Monitoring, analyzing, and reporting on cost deviations and price fluctuations in components and materials in Operations. 
  • Contributing to Sales and Operations planning process (S&OP). 
  • Optimizing inventory levels and reducing waste. 
  • Participating in ESG reporting and sustainability initiatives. 
  • Managing freight and customs follow-up. 
  • Conducting demand, supply, and inventory forecasting and sensitivity analyses. 

You will have a significant contribution for us to strive that all business activities (from order to delivery) are planned and conducted in a manner which is consistent with the Tobii Dynavox Group financial objectives, policies and processes and accounting standards and legislation.  


  • 6-7 years or equivalent of business controlling experience (a great merit if in production, supply chain or logistics areas)
  • Equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, economics, or a related field. 
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office tools (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) required. 
  • Knowledge of analysis tools such as Power BI, QlikView, or similar is appreciated. 
  • Ability to communicate clearly, both in speaking and writing in English.  
  • Proactive, forward-thinking mindset with strong business understanding. 
  • Ability to effectively communicate financial information and analysis to stakeholders at all levels of the organization. 

Change management will have a large part in this experience where you can thrive if you are a highly analytical and organized person who is comfortable working in a highly collaborative setting with minimal supervision. Your ability to stay calm and composed in situations of uncertainty and stress will help you bring the most impact in this role, achieving tasks successfully. 
About Tobii Dynavox

Join the world leader in assistive communication, where we help people with complex disabilities live up to their full potential by enabling them to express themselves, communicate with others and live more independently.



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      Tobii Dynavox






      Ekonomi & Redovisning

      Ansvarig konsult

      Caroline Svensson

      Senior rekryteringskonsult.

      Liknande jobb


      Senior redovisningsekonom


      SignUp Software AB




      Senior Redovisningsekonom Hyrköp


      Medelstort bolag


      Interims- & Konsultuppdrag






      Interims- & Konsultuppdrag

      Vad händer nu?

      Efter din ansökan följer några standardiserade steg i rekryteringsprocessen. När du har skickat in din ansökan så kommer vi ta kontakt med dig när det är dags för nästa steg. Vi anpassar alltid processen utifrån de aktuella förutsättningarna. Vid konsultuppdrag kan det gå mycket fortare.


      Du skickar in dina viktiga dokument som CV och personligt brev via Det här steget är nu klart!

      Kompletterande uppgifter

      Vi kommer att skicka ett kort frågeformulär till dig inom några dagar där vi ber dig fylla i uppgifter som gör det lättare för rekryterarna att bedöma din profil och kompetens.


      Om rekryteraren bedömer att din profil är intressant för uppdraget så kommer du bli kontaktad för en kort avstämning per telefon.


      I detta steg blir du kallad till en kompetensbaserad djupintervju tillsammans med ansvarig rekryterare.


      Personlighetsbedömning samt eventuella kunskaps- och begåvningstester.

      Intervju hos arbetsgivare

      I det här steget har du blivit utvald (ofta tillsammans med ett antal övriga kandidater) att träffa vår slutkund och din potentiella nya arbetsgivare för intervju.

      Referenstagning och bakgrundskontroll

      Här kontaktar vi de referenser som du har angivit i rekryteringsprocessen. Vi genomför också en bakgrundskontroll som presenteras för arbetsgivaren.



      Uppföljning med rekryteringskonsult

      Våra rekryteringskonsulter följer alltid upp med kandidaterna efter avslutad process.

      Vill du veta mer?

      Finance Recruitment är ett specialistbolag fokuserat på ekonomi, bank och finans. Vi ser till att rätt kandidat får rätt uppdrag.